AnimeBeerDull Tedious ShiteI Hate MusicNASCARThe Sporting Life

The World In Reverse

“2012 revisited…..” Immanual Kant wrote that morality is not the doctrine of how we make ourselves happy. Rather, morality has more to do, all to do, with how we make ourselves worthy of happiness. As the year draws to a close, I wonder if by that definition, I’m immoral…have been immoral. No I don’t wonder…

1000 Words EXACTLYAnimeBeerDull Tedious ShiteI Hate MusicI Hate PeopleNASCARThe Sporting Life

It’s Talladega, Baby!! Fall 2012 Cream Puff Edition

Talladega Tits

It’s Talladega, Baby!! And you know what THAT means!!   CREAM PUFFS!!! Yes, you read that right. And if you think I’m just kidding about that, you savages think wrong. This time, dignity, style and culture will finally hold sway. Something has to hold sway in this terrible autumnal season of quisling replacements officials and the…

AnimeBeerDull Tedious ShiteI Hate MusicI Hate PeopleNASCARThe Sporting Life

This Land Is My Land

This blog kills facists!!

WARNING: This Blog Kills Fascists!! Instead of writing words to the effect of: There’s a better world a’coming…but I surely don’ know when. I don’t know if it’s been just the weather, or the emotional weather, the economy, or just the beat down broken spell of time that has been clutching my heart. But I…