F1NASCARThe Sporting Life

21 Super Bowls

Sutton United

“We could get Keith Urban, Radio Birdman, and that Nick Cave guy to do the halftime show at the Australian Grand Prix….”   There’s been a changing of guard at the top of Formula 1 that has been years in the making and should have happened years ago. But Bernie Ecclestone clung on for 40…

AnimeBeerDull Tedious ShiteI Hate MusicI Hate PeopleThe Sporting Life

Rafa OUT: The Crying of Lot SW6

Rafa OUT??? What the hell did I do to piss everyone off?? I should not write a thing at the moment. I’m just too pig-biting mad! But, I’ve never let the facts get in the way of the truth, so why stop now. And as for facts, while I’ve never actually read Thomas Pynchon’s The…